Salt + Light Year 1 Supplies

salt  and light

Year I
Basic Supplies 1st - 12th Grades : 
  • Art Notebooking Journal [a sketchbook for history drawings] **
  • Nature Study Field Book [a smaller sketchbook for herbal study & nature study] **
  • Spiral Notebook [for spelling, vocabulary, dictations, essays, etc]
  • Joy & Wisdom Journal [any journal for keepsake writings]
  • Watercolor Pencils + Brushes *** [purchase pencils, purchase brushes
  • Red Ink Pen [for grammar/spelling corrections] 
  • Pencils & Erasers 
  • Math Flashcards [4 basic functions] OPTIONAL for practicing facts.
  • Dyslexic Child : Letter Tiles [purchase here] and membership [here]
  • Formed [free app or use online free] *
  • Amazon Prime Video 

PreK & Kinder Basic Supplies : 

Year I
Core Books 1st - 12th Grades 

PreK & Kinder Core Supplies : 

Notes : 

* If you do not have a code from your Parish website to use Formed, use this Parish Code from Sacred Heart Cathedral Knoxville, TN [our home Parish] : 51a20b  

If you don’t have a way to stream Formed to your television for movies, you can use a phone to TV HDMI cord. It is a great idea to get one, but it is NOT required, just a tip. 

** The Art Notebooking and Nature Study sketchbooks may be combined BUT to keep if from getting jumbled up, I would keep the first 2/3 of the book for Nature Study [1/3 herbal, 1/3 Nature Drawing] then the last 1/3 for History. You might run out of space in one section versus the other.

*** We prefer using watercolor pencils because of their double duty! You can use them like regular colored pencils [and we find them to be more vibrant] and you can use brushes to add water to make watercolor paintings for nature and for history class. 

**** Though not required, I highly recommend Truth & Life dramatic audio Catholic Bible. It is far different from a standard audio Bible. This is like a movie with background/setting sounds to set the ambiance, and different voices for each Character. Unfortunately they don't have it in dramatic audio for the Old Testament. We still use Word of Promise dramatic audio for Old Testament [it is Protestant so it doesn't have the complete Canon of Scripture.] These are homeschool faith investments. We have used them for a long time and will continue to use them for years to come! 

History Note : Starting in year 3 we will use the text and/or dramatic audio for The Story of Civilization by Tan Books. Do not substitute this out for Story of the World or Mystery of History! I have looked at all history options for Catholics and those two are very popular homeschool options, but not for Catholic homes as those are both anti-Catholic. 

Catechism Guide  
Grades 1-2 : Baltimore Catechism No. 0
Grades 3-5 : Baltimore Catechism No. 1
Grades 6-8 : Baltimore Catechism No. 2
Grade 9 : Baltimore Catechism No. 3
Grades 10-12 : Catechism of the Catholic Church

McGuffey Readers : this will be used for teaching reading in Grades 1st - 3rd or from 1st grade through whenever they reach a point where they can read easily and do not require the use of these guides. When they feel comfortable reading a beginner chapter book, they don't need to continue the McGuffey Readers for reading instruction, they can just start reading from books they find interesting. Just follow your instincts, mama! 

These are also for dyslexic children, start with the Primer regardless of age/grade if they struggle greatly. You can look these books up for free online to see which book would be best. You begin your student at the spot where they need any assistance from you on a word, letter sound or pronunciation. 

Catholic National Readers : you may sub out the McGuffey Readers for these Catholic National Readers [book 1, 2 and 3] if you like. They are used in the same exact way, and the format and exercises are very similar. 

If you have a high school student : 
Please check your state requirements for science. Some states say 3 science courses but let you choose which subjects to cover. If that is the case, just follow the plan in Salt + Light. Likewise, if your state does not require specific science courses, follow the plan in Salt + Light. 

However, if your state requires : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, please follow the guide below. This can be added to Salt + Light as independent study for your high school teen, or done in lieu of the Salt + Light science course. These courses have beautiful textbooks that are free and downloadable. If your state requires a lab, those are linked for you as well. 

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