Literature Picks | Lamp + Light Year 2

Despite the title, these aren't just for those of you using Lamp + Light Year 2. This is one of my most FAVORITE parts of what I do. I love books. ALL OF THEM. I can't help it. Can we just make books one of the official Love Languages? I know I have sisters out there that agree with me.

These are broken down into groups, but feel free to be a rebel and choose from anywhere for any reason. And you should definitely read aloud to your teens. They can roll their eyes and huff all they want, but they actually love it... and they'll cherish is when they grow and leave the nest.

These can be used as family read alouds or as literature additional reading for any of your children. Or yourself.

All Ages Read Alouds 

Grades PreK through 3rd

Grades 4th through 6th 

* This book is a true story. It deals with parental death and the deaths of other family members in the very difficult lives these children lived. I read this aloud with my children when they were all elementary aged and they all loved it. We all cried through it and it led to deep conversations and more research on the family. It is an excellent book, but it is up to you if you would like to read this to your children. This is easily a Top 10 Book for my kids and I. 

** This is a recipe book and the goal is to have your children get creative in the kitchen and try new things. This book is simple to use and beautiful. Let them try to make snacks themselves during the health and fitness semester this school year. 

*** Though not required, I highly recommend the Annotated Edition as it adds to and helps them fully understand what they are reading. I would also spread this across a school year to let it really sink in. 

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    1. Where can Lamp & Light Year 2 be purchased?


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